In today’s fast-paced world, mediation has transcended physical boundaries and entered the digital realm. If you’re a mediator or represent parties in mediation sessions conducted via platforms like Zoom, it’s essential to understand the unique ethical considerations in online mediation.
DetailsCLE for Attorneys
join us for the Parent Education Class! Did you know we are an approved provider for the Parent Education Class? As a Tennessee attorney, you can receive 4 hours of CLE (and CME for Tennessee Rule 31 Listed Mediators) for attending the class. This course covers: Divorce laws for clients How to assist your clients […]
DetailsNew Requirements for DV Mediators in Tennessee
New Requirements for DV Mediators in Tennessee! Are you a Family Listed Mediator in Tennessee? If so, you are eligible to add the designation “Specially Trained in Domestic Violence Issues.” The ADRC recently changed the training requirements. The Supreme Court has amended Rule 31(14)(g) as to the number of training hours required to obtain a […]
DetailsAre you a Mediator?
Time to renew your Listing! The ADR Commission has opened renewals for Rule 31 Listed Mediators. Renew by December 31, 2022 to avoid the $50 penalty fee. What you need to know: If you were listed in an EVEN year (2018, 2020, etc.), your 6 CME hours are due by December 31, 2022 and you […]
DetailsAll NEW Ethics Course
We are excited to introduce our all new interactive ethics course. Using our online quiz software, you can compete against other participants at your own pace. One of our most popular classes has been a replay of the live ethics gameshow. However, several people asked to play along and wanted an interactive CLE/CME. You asked […]
DetailsMCLE for Attorneys in 13 Jurisdictions
We are approved for MCLE We are approved for MCLE for attorneys in 13 jurisdictions across the United States. Training Resolved is adding more new classes every day! Additionally, we have added a preview section for many of our latest courses. You can find the Course Previews in each course description. Or look through all […]
DetailsCLE Compliance In Tennessee
Tennessee Attorneys need at least 15 hours of CLE each year. They are required to have 7 live hours of which 5 must be in-classroom hours each year. THREE of the 15 hours MUST be ethics (Tennessee calls them DUAL hours). If you are a Tennessee Attorneys required to return an Annual Report Statement, the […]